November Book Club — ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’ by Milan Kunder

Hello Book Clubbers

Thanks to all who came away for the Whitby weekend. It was a roaring success and I think everyone would agree we had a great time.

Here are details of this month, big book, Christmas and new books on the list.


Next Book club is Wednesday 13th November, 7.30, at Crucible Corner, Tudor square. We're reading 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' by Milan Kundera. Juxtaposing Prague, Geneva, Thailand and the United States, a story of irreconcilable loves and infidelities. Milan Kundera addresses himself to the nature of twentieth-century 'Being' In a world in which lives are shaped by irrevocable choices and by fortuitous events, a world in which everything occurs but once, existence seems to lose its substance, its weight. We feel, says the novelist, 'the unbearable lightness of being' - not only as the consequence of our private acts but also in the public sphere, and the two inevitably intertwine. (apparently!)

The Big Book

This is an extra book club that happens every 3-4 months on the 4th wednesday of the month. It gives us a chance to read a bigger book!

NEXT WEEK - October 23rd - Ulysses by James Joyce. There has been some raised eyebrows at this choice, however it was chosen as a lot of people would at least like to have a go at reading it. For this session, not finishing it or not even starting it and just turning up to see what it's all about is allowed. (For a cheats guide, visit

January 22nd - A Tale of two Cities by Charles Dickens

Christmas at Book Club

It is now time to talk about Christmas! We'll be having our Book Club Christmas special onWednesday 11th December, 7.30 at the Crucible Corner. We will be having food and a Christmas book swap. We have booked a table and they are going to give us the menu beforehand.  The 'Book swap' is simple, bring a book, receive a book. A few rules; it must be a book you would like someone to read rather than one you just want to get rid of, it can't be a previous book club book and it needs to be wrapped. If you would like to join us then please let us know and we can add you to the list.

I'm sure we'll be having a Christmas edition of Pub club, watch this space!

Pub Club

Bookclubbers at the pub, plain and simple. This happens quite regularly so check out the Facebook page or ask at book club for the next date.

New Book List

13th Nov - The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kindera

11th Dec - Christmas meal at Crucible Corner (That's not a book title!) and maybe a play that is optional to read that we can go to see at the theatre in the new year? We will also be repeating the Christmas book swap.

January - The day of the triffids by John Wyndham

February - Death of a Red Heroine by Qui Xiaolong

March - Perfume by Patric Suskind

April - Of mice and men by John Steinbeck

Happy Reading.

Rachel & Emily